Advanced 3D cell culture models for drug screening
Advanced 3D cell culture models for drug screening
Presenter: Markus Rimann, ZHAW | UPM Biomedicals 7th Annual Conference, 2021
Markus Rimann studied Biology with focus on Biotechnology at the ETH Zurich. After PhD completion at the Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, he did a Postdoc at the University of Zurich. For more than 10 years, he is now working at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). As the group leader of 3D Tissues and Biofabrication his main interest is the further development of the bioprinting technology. Bioprinted tissues of interest include skin, muscle, tendon and kidney.
Additionally, his group is using different scaffold-free and scaffold-based 3D cell culture systems for substance testing. In order to standardize cell culture handling and analysis automation robots are routinely used. All of the projects are industry driven. He is leading the international network TEDD (Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing), with the goal of implementing 3D cell culture systems in routine processes across different industries.