Shipping and Logistics: Transport Solutions for 3D Cell cultures and Living Therapies


Shipping and Logistics: Transport Solutions for 3D Cell cultures and Living Therapies



Presenter: Corné Swart, Cellbox | UPM Biomedicals 7th Annual Conference, 2021

Dr. Corné Swart is the Executive Director of Business Development & Global Sales at Cellbox Solutions GmbH. He has a background in Biotechnology with a focus on cell & tissue culture procedures, which he obtained from his studies at Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and Lund University (Sweden). After receiving his master’s degree from Stellenbosch University, he went on to receive a doctorate from the University of Potsdam (Germany) for his work in the field of proteomics, that investigated the complex interplay between post-translational modifications and metabolism.

At Cellbox Solutions, Dr. Swart has been collaborating with Key Opinion Leaders and other established customers in Academia, Pharma, Biotech on innovative projects that require the shipment of live cells and tissues under physiological conditions. These collaborations have generated valuable data on the benefits of using portable CO2 incubators and breathable packaging to ship biological material without any loss in quality and viability. In line with Cellbox Solutions’ vision to heal patients through Regenerative Medicine technologies, Dr. Swart is working with logistics partners, healthcare experts and regulatory advisors to define the supply chain procedures that are required for the therapies of tomorrow.